
Below are a few Transformers elements that are further defined to provide a general understanding of the world and some guidelines that do not fit in other sections. Reading through some portions that apply to your character will help you have a better grasp of what we will be looking for, and how you can create an application that will gain gold stars instead of repeated requests for alterations.

Caste System

The Caste System is the entire reason for the Cybertronian War, it caused enough unrest that it ultimately ended in the decimation of their planet. It is not fair. It is not kind. It can be seen as constraining to a roleplayer in some ways, but all characters must recognize and be placed accordingly. A character's altmode, size, physical shape, and any unique traits define what they were back in the day. An unfortunate individual that turns into a vacuum will be forced to be used as a vacuum, rather than getting to pursue their lifelong dream of being a doctor. Animal-shaped Cassettes will not be able to hold a prestigious role, and are merely treated as animals no matter their intelligence. In addition, physical quirks such as an additional limb should play a role in their appointed job.

Swapping jobs during the Caste System's Rule was severely limited, if not impossible. Moving up in an appointed field can be earned, but changing to an entirely different job is not an easy task. This is taken as a case-by-case situation in applications. Demotions are another topic, however, and individuals may fall hard from their assigned position for a number of reasons.

Combat Balancing

Although we’re not a combat-focused forum, balance is important for inevitable conflicts. Each application’s Strengths and Weaknesses are compared to Megatron and Arcee—the largest and smallest characters in TFP. We assess whether Arcee could hold her own against your character and if your character could withstand Megatron’s wrath without being quickly overwhelmed. This comparison isn’t perfect, but it helps ensure balance for characters on the front lines.

Science and intelligence roles however are also considered in tandem. Someone shouldn't be a groundbreaking scientist while also being a monster combatant out on the front lines who can go toe to toe against someone whose sole skillset is just that. If your character is brilliantly inclined, brainstorm how this could impact their combat skills.

While it may seem unfair, canon characters are the main exceptions to this rule. For example, Wheeljack, as both a Wrecker and a prominent engineer, can excel in multiple fields. Canons generally have more flexibility due to established benchmarks that define them. However, if a canon character is very versatile, please prioritize one or two key traits and downplay the others slightly.

Predacons - Insectacons - Beastformers

At this time, these Cybertronian subtypes are not permitted on the forum, nor in the foreseeable future. For a list of applicable subtypes, check out this page HERE.

Animal Traits

While Beastformers, Predacons, and Insecticons are not allowed, animalistic traits are permissible if they are relevant to the character’s profession. Traits should be limited and integrated meaningfully—e.g., extra arms for delicate scientific work or monkey-like tails for construction-based roles. Sensory traits and personality elements are also acceptable, provided they don’t dominate the character. Remember, these traits should enhance the character, not transform them into a bipedal animal.

Duo Applications

Combiners, Carrier and Sentient Cassette Duos, and similar closely linked characters must be applied together, except for canon combiners. This rule ensures balance by preventing one character from perfectly countering their teammate’s weaknesses and vice versa, just so we can keep things fair.

An exception occurs if a secondary player independently applies as a Cassette and later forms a natural attachment to a Carrier during gameplay. However, this bond must realistically develop over time and cannot be established within just a few roleplays.