Becoming a Storyteller

Administration are not the only ones allowed to run plots; in fact, we strongly encourage others to host their own to help enrich and engage the community. This approach makes it so there is always a variety of activities happening, allowing everyone to be involved should they wish. Whether it is a major adventure that impacts the entire forum, or a small side quest just for one or two people, these plots should focus on interaction and community-building, rather than just advancing the host's own character. There are three types of plot that can be approached.

Sitewide plots affect every character on the forum in some way. These are significant events, such as the Nemesis crashing or a major MECH establishment being raided, revealing crucial information or survivors. Sitewide plots require Admin involvement; the storyteller must present the plot and provide any relevant details to be approved first. Due to their broad impact on the community, these plots are carefully managed, if only because of the larger influence it has over players as a whole.

These plots can be significant for those involved but are not required to be acknowledged by other characters in their day-to-day RP. Examples include Energon raids, Autobot/Decepticon confrontations, and covert operations or espionage targeting either the opposing faction or a MECH facility. While Administration does not need to know every detail due to the plots' more limited impact, a brief outline and plan should be provided. This ensures that these do not conflict with other ongoing events and allows us to keep them in mind.

Adventures are isolated events that add depth and interaction to the world in a standalone thread. For example, arranging a pickup for a human child might lead to traffic jams, a car crash, construction, unexpected detours, or weather events that throw things off from the norm. These adventures are usually confined to single threads but can be more extensive if desired. They do not require Administration approval.

To become a Storyteller, message any Admin with a brief description of the events you plan to run. Once accepted, a sword icon will appear next to the 'Add Attachment' button when replying to posts. Click this icon to access the NPC profiles available to you, which allows you to post as the NPC account 'Random Event' instead of your character.