Episode Timeline Explanation

Due to the nature of roleplay and the time it can sometimes take to make posts, threads on the forum do not progress in real-time and can end months after they were initially started, potentially disrupting the continuity of ongoing stories. To manage this, we use a system of 'episodes', which group four weeks into one Episode. This allows users to post and interact within a structured in-character month without one story advancing too quickly ahead of others going on at the same time.

When starting a new thread, specify the episode it belongs to, and the week and day within that episode. If you want to, or if it's needed for the plot, you can clarify if it's morning, afternoon, evening, etc - but this is not required. This helps position your thread on the timeline, and allows others to see where it fits in relation to their own stories.

While this may be intimidating at first, most people quickly get the hang of it. Ren regularly updates it with new threads to prevent overlap and confusion.

View timelines HERE

Quick Note:
If you're accepted to the forum, try to avoid starting your introductory thread at the end of a chapter. This gives you more flexibility for roleplay opportunities while you wait for the next week and helps prevent you from getting stuck.