Flashback - They Scream and they Cry - (Closed)
May 29, 2014 20:21:10 GMT -5
Post by Flatline on May 29, 2014 20:21:10 GMT -5
Was that talking?...
The setting was rather dingy and dark, the environment shrouded in a suffocating blanket from all lights being off in the large room. It appeared to be a lab of some kind, holding aspects similar to a mechanics shop, and hospitals, all rolled together into one bundle. From the subject's point of view, they would be able to see only a portion of the mechanical expanse of tools and machinery, leaving a good half if not more to pure speculation and imagination.
The ceiling above the new subject housed a large overhead light that was deactivated at this current point and time. This halogen orb, almost sunk into a dark pit where the back of which could not be directly viewed, a void that was even darker than the surrounding machinery. The entire thing was mounted upon a disjointed arm that angled up to the ceiling with heavy bolts and welding, the joints appearing slightly rusted with age and use. Framed around this adjustable light, housed multiple smaller arms that held their own tools and devices. Each arm was almost like a spiders, the 'limbs' stretching out to hover over the subject in preparation, laying it wait for its moment to get used. The tools ranged from saws, to electrical soldering irons, to blades, scanners, and just anything one could imagine that’s used to rip into and violate the inner workings of a mech's frame.
Across the room, in front of the slightly inclined position of the mech, were some massive cylinders that were made of a clear glass like plastic. The tubes were positioned upon heavy bases, the rings and coils of piping and cables, flooding out of the side in mangled veins that attached to other components or to a power outlet. The contents of these pipes were mangled protoform experiments, that were disjointed and only partly mutated into a new state of being. Their frames were elongated and proportionally off, parts of them appearing like functional Decepticons, awaiting to be given life and breached into the world, while other parts were hollow frames of skeletal gunmetal 'bones', these frame chunks having woven cables and machinery partly grown across them.
These partially constructed warriors were hazed in an amber gold light from above the tank, this light source also being the origin of many cables that connected to the creation, a sort of life support to keep the body growing. One of the creations was floating in the tank at just a wrong angle to be looking directly at the new subject that had been brought into the lab. Its face was only half formed, a hollow eye staring flatly out at her with a faint orange glow behind it, while the other was a pulled streak of melted metal smeared down the face, exposing the teeth plate and other internal portions in gaping openings.
On the right side of these tanks, were racks and storage units of other 'donated' parts that have been scavenged to install upon warriors for their Lord. This ranged from simple weaponry, cannons and lasers, to complex limbs and armor pieces that hung off of brackets or draped across shelving. Next to this was even more supplies, needed wires and replacement valves and pipes, all parts to be installed internally on a subject.
To the left of the subject tanks, sat multiple machines and scanners of indeterminable function to an untrained eye. They had a faint glow to some of them, the number pad and screens softly illuminated into a hazy light in the darkness. The rest of the lab could not be seen, but from what could? It was determined it would be nothing of good intention. Perhaps it was best to not be able to see that the floor was epoxied at a slope, all leading down to a large grating to drain fluids that may be... spilt...
The table that Moonshot was strapped down upon, itself was just as complex and elaborate as everything else in the room. It was broken up into multiple components, not just a flat surface. In fact? Calling it even a table would be a bit of a stretch, as there were chunks and pieces missing to permit it to be adjusted to the wide variety of body shapes and sizes, as well as permit access to the spinal cord and the port used for psychic cortical patches. This left a missing chunk of support up the length of her spine, but would not be wide enough to fall through in any way. A similar void opening, sat at the back of the head, for comparable purposes. Two panels breached apart on either side of her spine, locking down the wings. She would either have to properly pull apart the panels, or rip her wings off, as slipping free was no option. But that implies shed be mobile... which she was not.
Each limb was secured down with metal plates, the bands of steel clapping over the limb and locking in place securely. Wiggling, pulling, tugging, it would all be pointless, as the joint would need to be rubber in order to somehow slip free. Similar bands latched across the waist, and over the throat itself, severely hampering movement capabilities. There was no need for the chest strap, since the wings served as a lock to keep it secured. Overall the restraints were strong, and applied properly since the subject had been unconscious upon hookup.
Speaking of hookup.
Many cables snaked out of her chest and side, attaching to processes and vital points to keep a constant read out. While they were not truly INSIDE her frame, they were somewhat intrusive. These all snaked to a machine that was posted to her left attached to the arm slab, holding basic health readouts that were visible to her such as spark pulses and brainwave activity.
It was deafening, the only sounds being from machinery or the soft beep of the spark monitor. It truly would seem abandoned, no engineers, no workers, no nothing in the room. It would remain like this for hours.
Hours lying motionless.
Hours lying powerless.
Hours with communications cut off, and weapon capabilities gone.
Hours with nothing to do but be...
Subtle sounds
Distant clicking
Was that talking?...
Or ones imagination
The setting was rather dingy and dark, the environment shrouded in a suffocating blanket from all lights being off in the large room. It appeared to be a lab of some kind, holding aspects similar to a mechanics shop, and hospitals, all rolled together into one bundle. From the subject's point of view, they would be able to see only a portion of the mechanical expanse of tools and machinery, leaving a good half if not more to pure speculation and imagination.
The ceiling above the new subject housed a large overhead light that was deactivated at this current point and time. This halogen orb, almost sunk into a dark pit where the back of which could not be directly viewed, a void that was even darker than the surrounding machinery. The entire thing was mounted upon a disjointed arm that angled up to the ceiling with heavy bolts and welding, the joints appearing slightly rusted with age and use. Framed around this adjustable light, housed multiple smaller arms that held their own tools and devices. Each arm was almost like a spiders, the 'limbs' stretching out to hover over the subject in preparation, laying it wait for its moment to get used. The tools ranged from saws, to electrical soldering irons, to blades, scanners, and just anything one could imagine that’s used to rip into and violate the inner workings of a mech's frame.
Across the room, in front of the slightly inclined position of the mech, were some massive cylinders that were made of a clear glass like plastic. The tubes were positioned upon heavy bases, the rings and coils of piping and cables, flooding out of the side in mangled veins that attached to other components or to a power outlet. The contents of these pipes were mangled protoform experiments, that were disjointed and only partly mutated into a new state of being. Their frames were elongated and proportionally off, parts of them appearing like functional Decepticons, awaiting to be given life and breached into the world, while other parts were hollow frames of skeletal gunmetal 'bones', these frame chunks having woven cables and machinery partly grown across them.
These partially constructed warriors were hazed in an amber gold light from above the tank, this light source also being the origin of many cables that connected to the creation, a sort of life support to keep the body growing. One of the creations was floating in the tank at just a wrong angle to be looking directly at the new subject that had been brought into the lab. Its face was only half formed, a hollow eye staring flatly out at her with a faint orange glow behind it, while the other was a pulled streak of melted metal smeared down the face, exposing the teeth plate and other internal portions in gaping openings.
On the right side of these tanks, were racks and storage units of other 'donated' parts that have been scavenged to install upon warriors for their Lord. This ranged from simple weaponry, cannons and lasers, to complex limbs and armor pieces that hung off of brackets or draped across shelving. Next to this was even more supplies, needed wires and replacement valves and pipes, all parts to be installed internally on a subject.
To the left of the subject tanks, sat multiple machines and scanners of indeterminable function to an untrained eye. They had a faint glow to some of them, the number pad and screens softly illuminated into a hazy light in the darkness. The rest of the lab could not be seen, but from what could? It was determined it would be nothing of good intention. Perhaps it was best to not be able to see that the floor was epoxied at a slope, all leading down to a large grating to drain fluids that may be... spilt...
The table that Moonshot was strapped down upon, itself was just as complex and elaborate as everything else in the room. It was broken up into multiple components, not just a flat surface. In fact? Calling it even a table would be a bit of a stretch, as there were chunks and pieces missing to permit it to be adjusted to the wide variety of body shapes and sizes, as well as permit access to the spinal cord and the port used for psychic cortical patches. This left a missing chunk of support up the length of her spine, but would not be wide enough to fall through in any way. A similar void opening, sat at the back of the head, for comparable purposes. Two panels breached apart on either side of her spine, locking down the wings. She would either have to properly pull apart the panels, or rip her wings off, as slipping free was no option. But that implies shed be mobile... which she was not.
Each limb was secured down with metal plates, the bands of steel clapping over the limb and locking in place securely. Wiggling, pulling, tugging, it would all be pointless, as the joint would need to be rubber in order to somehow slip free. Similar bands latched across the waist, and over the throat itself, severely hampering movement capabilities. There was no need for the chest strap, since the wings served as a lock to keep it secured. Overall the restraints were strong, and applied properly since the subject had been unconscious upon hookup.
Speaking of hookup.
Many cables snaked out of her chest and side, attaching to processes and vital points to keep a constant read out. While they were not truly INSIDE her frame, they were somewhat intrusive. These all snaked to a machine that was posted to her left attached to the arm slab, holding basic health readouts that were visible to her such as spark pulses and brainwave activity.
It was deafening, the only sounds being from machinery or the soft beep of the spark monitor. It truly would seem abandoned, no engineers, no workers, no nothing in the room. It would remain like this for hours.
Hours lying motionless.
Hours lying powerless.
Hours with communications cut off, and weapon capabilities gone.
Hours with nothing to do but be...