
Be sure to read the other pages located HERE so you can be prepared!

Once you fill out the Profile Template below, E-Mail it to (No attachments, only text within the body of the E-Mail unless it is character art). Keep the formatting as is, and don't move sections around or it will be returned to you to fix before review. While we try to get through Applications as quickly as possible, please take into consideration that real life sometimes does get in the way, and so sometimes things take longer than we'd like.

Quick Notes:
Administration considers it bad form to ask about the approval process in the C-Box, or to act as if acceptance is a guarantee. OOC conduct is considered during review.

Because no application can tell us everything about the person behind the character, this RPG reserves a one-month probationary period following approval during which a new player, if found to be disruptive or of a significantly different writing level than initially presented, may be requested to leave the game.

Disclaimer: Administrators who are close friends with someone who is applying to the forum will not give feedback upon the applications of said friend unless specifically required due to their particular knowledge on a given subject. This is to negate any perceived favoritism or bias given to said applicant.

Without any further nonsense, here is a breakdown of our application!


Name/Alias: An OOC nametag that often matches up with your C-Box and/or Discord handle.

IM/E-Mail/Discord: Optional means to contact you outside of the site. Remove from final profile if preferred.

Age: This is for Administration use only. Remove from final profile if preferred.

Where did you find us?: Optional, for Administration use only, we're just curious where you heard about us!

What is Bulkhead's favorite color?: Guessing, or a wrong answer will be an instant decline. The answer is hiding somewhere on the rules page.

Neutral or Human Keyword: For Neutral and Human applications only. There are some disclaimers regarding these characters on this forum, and we encourage you to check out the Factions Page located HERE to find your appropriate keyword to apply as one.

Name: Self Explanatory.

Age: Age is very relative and not literal unless playing a human. We ask for a human equivalent so that it can be used to reference the mental and emotional state of the character, more so than an exact number of years.

Gender: Self Explanatory. What gender your character identifies as.

Species: Cybertronian or Human. Other alien species are not permitted at this time, nor in the foreseeable future.

Faction: For a list of Factions, look HERE.

Original Occupation: What did they do before the war? What was their job? Remember the Caste system would have assigned roles depending on their alts more often than not.

As of this moment, Couriers and Delivery professions are soft banned. This means only canons or unusual circumstances are accepted at this time.

Occupation/Specialization: What your character currently does now to serve their assigned teams, or continue to survive when running a solo act as a Neutral.

Appearance: For appearance, even in the case of cannon characters, we expect the Player to provide a reasonably detailed description rather than just a link to an image. Please cover important features: do they have fingers, claws, or clamps? Are they lithe or bulky? Well armored or fairly exposed? What color are they? Readers only know what you tell them! A good tip is to imagine you are describing them to an artist who is going to draw them.

Also, be sure to list their height relative to a canonical Prime character. See the current site Height Chart located HERE. Larger characters should have reason in history (job/role) for their mass.

Altmode: We require characters to pick an actual tangible Altmode to be referenced. Cybertronian forms are generally not approved other than for appropriate characters.

When choosing an altmode, consider what type of roleplay you will want to explore on the forum. Jets and helicopters are often not able to go on missions within cities. They are constrained to their outpost, or wilderness locations. This same concept may apply to multi-million dollar sports cars, and will further alienate characters. Remember, while flashy altmodes may sound nice, in the end, the theme is 'Robots in Disguise'.

Pertinent History: Straight to the point, we want histories to be informational and concise, like a modest Wiki article. It should cover the most basic of information, how they were created, how the caste system affected them, how the war changed their paths, etc. We don't need to know every harrowing detail of their troubles or every conflict they have had in life (leave something for players to find out in gameplay!), but we do need to know major milestones that taught them certain skills that are reflected in Strengths and Weapons below.

Less can definitely be more in this field, as we have asked users to trim them down in the past. Just be sure to hit those important points, including how they managed to get to Earth.

If you wish for your character to be connected in any way to one already in play, you must contact the appropriate player, either via the C-Box or the guest area of the Discord. Do not assume history with a character.

Personality: What makes them 'them'. Are they loyal? Aggressive? Or soft sparked? Tell us all about it. Canon characters cannot deviate far from the core of their character, though you can add your own minor spins. Try not to contradict every trait with another. Everyone can be nice, and also be mean, but what are they normally like?

Likes: Self Explanatory.

Dislikes: Self Explanatory.

Strengths/Weapons: In this field, we ask players to make a checklist of their character's abilities and weapons as well as any mental/personality strengths. We understand this is effectively a fantasy world based around a cartoon, however try to ground things at least one step into reality.

• Weapons must list armor penetration/damage ability (light/medium/heavy)

• Heavy artillery should have limited ammo.

• What their Armor Grade is.

• Be sure to roughly note where a character may learn weaponry or skills in History.

Weaknesses: This is where you take everything above in Strengths and Weapons, and counter it appropriately to bring balance to your character. Also include personality and emotional flaws here. As a suggestion, skip out on PTSD unless it takes on a very specific form – they’ve all been at war for most of their lifetimes; they all suffer from it. Should phobias be added, be sure to understand the full detriments of said fears, and represent them in every applicable situation. They are not tools to be used sparingly for drama, yet ignored when inconvenient.

Special Skills: Talents and capabilities that are not weaponry or armor related. This includes medical skills, hacking capabilities, or heightened knowledge of any subject matter. These tend to be learned traits, more so than physical abilities, though it can include Holoform quirks, or if your character can fly through space.

Extra Info: Anything that needs to be included but has no home anywhere else on this template. This is where additional mini-profiles would be listed, should they be applicable for your character. Examples include if your character has a functional ship, or if they have a Cassette. Novelty elements may also be placed here for personal reference, such as voice claims.

Should you wish for your character to have a Cassette, do know if they have true sentience beyond that of a toddler, then they would need to be applied as a second character altogether.

Sample RP: This gives us an idea of how you will write your RP posts here. As an Intermediate to Advanced forum, it needn't be said that we expect complete sentences, correct punctuation and grammar, and an ability to write in 3rd person. While some may use grammar aids to assist with minor tweaks, the use of AI-generated text or heavy AI reliance will result in a ban from the forum. This is a writing forum community, and your skills must reflect as much.

The sample RP must be of the character you are applying for, and not involve NPC use. While a conversation between your character and another may be an interesting read, it doesn't give us an idea on how you would make a standalone RP post on the actual forum.

A good tip if you are having issues coming up with a roleplay sample is to pretend you are already a member on the forum, and are tasked to make an opening post for someone else. This lets us see exactly how you intend to roleplay, and hey... bonus! If you're accepted you have a post already ready to go!

Forum Code

You do NOT have to use the yellow color provided, it is just a demo. Have fun and make the colors your own, so long as they are not blinding or impossible to read against the black backdrop.

[font size="3" color="f2ca12"][b]PLAYER INFO[/b][/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Name/Alias:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]IM/Email:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Age:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Where did you find us?:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]What is bulkhead's favorite color?:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Neutral or Human Keyword:[/font]

[font size="3"][font color="f2ca12"][b]CHARACTER INFO[/b][/font][/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Name:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Age:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Gender:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Species:[/font]
[font color="c9b000"]Faction:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Original Occupation:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Occupation/Specialization:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Appearance:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Altmode:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Pertinent History:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Personality:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Likes:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Dislikes:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Strengths/Weapons:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Weaknesses:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Special Skills:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Extra Info:[/font]

[font color="c9b000"]Sample RP:[/font]

Blank List

Where did you find us?:
What is Bulkhead's favorite color?:
Neutral or Human Keyword:


Original Occupation:




Pertinent History:






Special Skills:

Extra Info:

Sample RP: